Imeasure Shinshu Houshanou Laboratory
lab name | Imeasure Shinshu Houshanou Laboratory |
address | 2-3-33 Kaichi, Matsumoto, Nagano 390-0876 Japan |
representitive | Shuichi ichinose |
the person in charge | Akiko kobayashi |
phone number | 0263-50-8651 |
fax | 0263-50-8652 |
web site | |
type of organization | |
measurement object | Food, Soil, Mothers milk, urine |
PR | iMeasure Inc. was established in December 2011 in Nagano Prefecture, Japan as a privately owned commercial radiation measurement specialist laboratory. Our professional equipment include germanium semiconductor detector and scintillation - type gamma ray survey meter developed by Hitachi - Aloka Medical, Ltd. for providing accurate and reliable radiation measurements of foodstuffs, as well as ambient radiation dose rate at homes and in automobiles. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We are ready to measure! |
how to recieve samples | |
measurement price | 8,000yen/item |
supplementation |
name of instrument | TG150B |
maker name | 株式会社テクノエーピー |
σ | 3 |
software version | |
MDA | |
date of acquisition | |
supplementation |