ID 4466
place 福島県郡山市菜根
air dose (5cm above) 2.160 μSv/h
air dose (50cm above) 0.000 μSv/h
air dose (1m above) 0.290 μSv/h
size(height x width x depth) 200 x 100 x 5 cm
Cs-134 (MDA) 7258±39(44.70) Bq/kg
Cs-137 (MDA) 40081±92 (127.20) Bq/kg
measured date (sampling date) 2016-06-08 (2016-04-24)
weight 740.00 g
measured time 600 sec.
labs name あがの市民放射線測定室「あがのラボ」
detector name AT1320A
category of place 宅地
type of soil 粘土質
type of contamination 雨樋下
remarks about measuring