Food Category of MDS
Food CategoryAmount of Measurement data
Cereals 3310 data
Potatoes 895 data
Beans 633 data
Nuts and seeds 259 data
Vegetables 3543 data
Fruits 2832 data
Mushrooms 1765 data
Seaweed 190 data
Seafood 1144 data
Meats 630 data
Eggs 82 data
Dairy products 447 data
Oils and fats 21 data
Confectionery 199 data
Beverage 515 data
Seasonings and spices 463 data
Herbs 216 data
Edible wild plants 1288 data
Other processed foods 790 data
Environment 2054 data
Others 36 data

File Made:2024-07-27 03:30:03